Photo of paulo mendes faria Brazil

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MENDES FARIA Juiz de Fora, MG - 1946 INDIVIDUAL exhibitions in Galleries and Cultural Spaces: Gallery 2006 Anita Malfatti S University Estci RJ-2005 - Cultural Center Bernardo Mascarenhas Juiz de Fora - MG 2004 - Metamorphosis - SESC Petrpolis - RJ 2004 - Cultural Center Pr-music Juiz de Fora - MG 1995 - Offices of Art DaviJorge Petrpolis RJ 1994 - Cultural space Mr. ZEE Itaipava RJ 1989 - Gallery FUNARTE Mrio Schemberg So Paulo SP 1989 - Gallery CHEAP Jorge Duarte Fagundes - RJ 1988 - Gallery...
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MENDES FARIA Juiz de Fora, MG - 1946 INDIVIDUAL exhibitions in Galleries and Cultural Spaces: Gallery 2006 Anita Malfatti S University Estci RJ-2005 - Cultural Center Bernardo Mascarenhas Juiz de Fora - MG 2004 - Metamorphosis - SESC Petrpolis - RJ 2004 - Cultural Center Pr-music Juiz de Fora - MG 1995 - Offices of Art DaviJorge Petrpolis RJ 1994 - Cultural space Mr. ZEE Itaipava RJ 1989 - Gallery FUNARTE Mrio Schemberg So Paulo SP 1989 - Gallery CHEAP Jorge Duarte Fagundes - RJ 1988 - Gallery Cndido Mendes Ipanema - RJ 1987 - Contemporary Gallery - Leblon Rio de Janeiro 1987 - Gallery of the Cultural Center of Petrpolis RJ. 1987 - Centro Cultural Sao Paulo Bienal -5 parallel event individual SP-1985 - Pr-Cultural Center music Juiz de Fora - MG COLLECTIVE exhibitions in museums, biennials, institutions and Sales of Art: 2007 - 65 Years of Readers Digest selections Cultural Center Post Office - RJ 2007 - Anonymous Drawings 5 Berlin - Germany 2006 6.0 VISO Mario Quintana Cultural Center Porto Alegre - RGS 2006 - Impression2006 MailArt & DigitalArtExpo - Grafish Centrum - Rotterdam 2006 Art in Public Dobro Christmas - RJ 2006 ChapelArtShow So Paulo - SP 2006 London Biennale 2006 32 Lonres draw_drawing_2 Gallery - England 2006 - Parallel circuits - Fred Forest Pao Arts - 2006 SP Universidade Federal Fluminense Other abstractions niter RJ 2005 I want to be friend of Lisette Xiclet House of So Paulo - SP 2005 MARP 2005 - House of Culture Ribeiro Preto - SP 33 2005 Salo Art Contemporary Sto. Andr SP Prize for 2005 acquisitions Universidarte XIII School Estci S-RJ 2004 Imperial Museum / FUNARTE Serra / Savannah - Petrpolis - RJ 2004 Shape, color, espaoe movement space Petrpolis CREA - RJ 2004 - Converging Visions - Contest Atlanta CNN Espanol USA - Awarded 2003 - Universidarte XI College Estci RJ S-2003 - Indoor exhibitions in ITAIPAVA - RJ 2002 - I Circuito das Artes ITAIPAVA RJ 2000 - Gallery and Gallery Outline RJ Toulouse - RJ 1991 - MAM Museum Modern Art - RJ - show Cndido Mendes Collection 1991 - Contemporary Art Museum of Americana SP - shows American HI 1991 - Santos III SO PAULO BIENNIAL 1990 - National Museum of Fine Arts - Twentieth Century Exhibition - RJ 1990 - MAM in Brasilia - Traps Wild invited by BenFonteles 1990 - Museum of IngNiteri RJ, ING 5 Artists in 1990 - 47 Salo PARANAENSE Contemporary Art Museum of Paran. 1989 - MAM de So Paulo SP - I Prize Canson 1989-46 PARANAENSE Salo - Curitiba PR 1989 - XIII Salo CARIOCA - RJ 1988 - Centro Cultural Centre Cndido Mendes RJ Sierra below 1988 - VI Salo Paulista SP Contemporary Art 1988-45 PARANAENSE Salo - Curitiba PR 1988 - XIII of Salo Art Ribeiro Preto SP. 1987 - XI Salo MetrRJ CARIOCA - 1987-44 PARANAENSE Salo - Curitiba PR, 1987 - National Art Salo Belo Horizonte MG 1987 - Side Event of So Paulo Bienal - 5 artists, 5 OPES Cultural SP 1987 - I Petrpolis URGENT - with 35 contemporaneous artists in Rio de Janeiro. 1986 - Museum of Contemporary Art of Campinas - ART & COSMOS - Campinas SP. 1986 - Contemporary Art Salo - Pavilion of the Biennale of Sao Paulo - SP, 1986 - V Salo Art Par - Belm 1986-43 Salo Art Paranaense Curitiba PR. 1986 - X Rioarte RJ Salo CARIOCA 1986 - IV Salo Paulista de So Paulo SP Contemporary Art 1985 - Contemporary Art XII Salo Campinas SP 1985-10 Painters Cultural Center Petrpolis RJ. 1983 - Palace Itabora Petrpolis RJ-contemporaneous artists. 1979 / 80 / 81 - Opus Gallery and Arts Centre in Brasilia DF / Gallery Eucatexpo RJ 1976 - LXXXI Salo National Fine Arts - Main Prize Honorable RJ. 1969 - Hall of students from NSFA - UFRJ - First Prize for Painting Biography: Besides being quoted in the Dictionary of Brazilian Painters John Medeiros 1988, estno plastic arts and its market Jlio Louzada on various issues, the Catalog of the Collections Cndido Mendez RJ, and Guide Arts Christiano Lo 1984, in Ernani Guide Leila, has its data recorded in countless interviews bibliographical given to major newspapers, magazines, TV, and quotations from critics in catalogs. Present in various search engines or specialized art on the Internet, dictionaries and personal website: Collection: Collections and private national and foreign estno National Museum of Fine Arts RJ, Museum of Contemporary Art of Campinas SP, logosphere River Foundation, the Museum of Contemporary Art of American SP, Centro Cultural RJ Cndido Mendes in central Petrpolis Culture, Journal of the achievements of Brazil; Faculty R9 RJ, Contemporary Art Museum St. Andr SP, and other testimony: I ran away and expose market between 1995 and 2000, I returned resuming and developing recurring quests in my work. Working with art halguns years (drawing, painting, sculpture, objects, installations, etc.) and am always willing to experiment, renew, and dare to learn. I am an artist with clear trends in the constructive-Orthodox, who in the simplicity of the complex, the repetition of forms and rhythms, utilizao of different techniques, as well as the use of cheap materials, and unusual or disposables come seeking to make more conscious and not visible to chisel the process of image and knowledge of my spiritual essence. More assured of my thoughts in words Hlio Oiticica: therefore consider constructive artists new relationships founded structural painting (color) and in sculpture, and open new directions espaoe time. So the builders, builders of the structure, color, espaoe of time, that add new visions and change the way you see and feel, so those who open new directions in contemporary sensibility, those who aspire to a spiritual hierarchy of constructiveness art. The art here in the symptom of a crisis, or the time, but founds own sense of the time, builds their spiritual foundation based on the key elements related to the Physical World, psquico and spiritual, the trade which compares own art.

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  • - The Courier will pick up the package on the place and date agreed, and once we receive the artwork, we will proceed with the refund of the paid amount.

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The estimated delivery time for Artelista fine art prints is 5-7 working days, whereas in the case of original artworks, it would vary depending on the origin country. Once the artist notifies us the artwork is ready for shipment, the delivery will be in the following 24-72 hours, These delivery times may be altered by custom clearance events, especially when the origin country of the artwork belongs to a different cross-national agreement (EU,NAFTA,etc.). here. Shipments from Argentina, Colombia or Cuba need of a special authorization for the exportation of artworks, so it is important to have this into account when calculating the delivery date.

Bear in mind we are dealing with works of art, so they may be in an exhibition (actually, this is awesome!). Those artworks which are in an exhibition are usually displayed as “non-available”. In case the artwork has been put up for sale, take into account the artist would have to manage with the organization of the exhibition the return of the artwork in order to be able to realize the shipment.

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